
Route of the three lakes

Opole – Zawada – Turawa – Zakrzów Turawski – Bierdzany

Zawada at the national road No. 45, tennis courts


Turawa:  is the water sports capital of the Opole region (sailing, motor-water sports, windsurfing). Jezioro Duże /Big Lake/ is one of the most “windy” lakes in Poland, which makes it a great spot for sailing. Beaches, public beaches, guest houses, catering lodges, are situated at the water reservoirs of – Jezioro Duże /Big Lake/, Jezioro Średnie /Medium Lake/ and Jezioro Małe /Small Lake/ as well as in Osowiec – at Jezioro Srebrne /Silver Lake/. In the years 1933-38 a 13 m high dam and a reservoir of the capacity of 108 mln m3 were built in the lower reaches of the Mała Panew River. Local gravel was used to build and consolidate it.  Gravel pits that were made this way are now the lakes: Medium, Small and Silver. The function of the water reservoir (recreational and storage) was determined when the reservoir was built.  


Turawa Lakes are refuge for birds of a European scale (the place where migrating birds rest). At the road leading from Turawa to Rzędów there is a chestnut oak with trunk diameter of 5.5m and the height of 25 m.
Echoes of the past are brought back by a baroque palace (1728-1730) of von Garnier family. Currently there is a National Children’s Home in the palace.  

Zakrzów Turawski: “Wodopój” /watering place/ - natural water reservoirs with interesting plants species and feeding grounds for animals and “Suchy dół" /dry pit/:  with animal complexes, places where animals live and prey.
A wooden church of Peter and Paul of 1759, and a XIV-century sculpture of Mother of God with Baby Jesus. Characteristic settlement developments of a half-timbered construction, a remainder of Frederic colonization.

Bierdzany:  among old oaks there is a wooden church of St. Jadwiga built in 1711. A baroque altar from the beginning of XVIII century with sculptures of St. Mikołaj, Marcin, a painting of St. Walenty, Stations of the Cross from the turn of 18th and 19th century, bells from 1503 and 1521 and a polychrome "death in Bierdzany".

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