
Monuments of technical though and science, museums

In Proszkow, opposite to the buildings of Pomology, there is a book collection of the first European Royal Academy of Agriculture founded in 1847 by the king of Prussia, Friedrich the Great. In Zagwiździe, king Friedrich II built in 1754 the steelworks, which was a move related to colonization and industrialization of Opole region. Up to now one may admire the following objects: an iron foundry built in 1839, extended in the 19th century, with partly preserved decorative cast-iron metal in the frames of windows and doors; there are old woodblock door; warehouse next to the iron foundry built in the first half of 19th century (bricked); hammer forge from 1806; in the extension one may find the remains from a chamber with water-wheels which powered the hammers and locks; remains from a trim saw; there is a well-preserved water-wheel powering the mechanism of the trim saw which may be looked at between the hammer forge and warehouse right next to the partly hidden canal. The most popular tourist attraction in Ozimek is the iron suspension bridge built in 1823, the oldest in Europe.

The spirit of the past may be further explored in the Museum Chamber founded by Konrad Mientus in Daniec. The exhibits relate to the history of Opole Silesia since the ancient times till today. In the Regional Chamber in Luboszyce, which is located in the Jan Bosko Primary School, one may admire an old class and well-preserved household items of the past. Specificity and original character of the chamber in Luboszyce boils down to teaching school subjects in folklore classroom. In Biadacz Lower Secondary School we may find a small ethnographic museum. A Porcelain Manufacturing Works were founded in Tułowice in 1813. Its products from both interwar period and today enjoy huge interest all over Europe.  (Unfortunately, Porcelit of Tułowice does not produce faience any more as the manufacturing works went to the wall). In Karłowice there is a house where lived Jan Dzierżon, a researcher of bees, a father and reformer of modern agriculture.

The town hall in Niemodlin was built in 19th century after the old one located in the middle of the market square had been demolished. Currently it is the residential house (the address is: Rynek 51)
The town walls were erected in the beginning of 15th century. Until today the only preserved section of the wall is located to the south. The walls had two gates, Opole and Nysa Gate, which were demolished in 1860. The only remains from the gates are the guard porches. A noteworthy place at the Market Square is the building no 1, preserved in a baroque style from the 18th century. Further there are 19th century houses which surround the town centre, a solution very untypical of Silesian architecture. There are metallurgical works in Osowiec established at the same time as the steelworks in Zagwiździe, but the former have been in full operation till today.