Ecological preservation areas
Ecological preservation areas are the remains of ecosystems – like small water reservoirs, midfield and forest ponds and peat bogs. Ecological preservation areas are the new form of environment protection, introduced in 1991. They are of great importance for habitat of numerous fauna and flora species. In the area of the County of Opole, there are 9 ecological preservation areas.
Dębska Kuźnia Peat Bogs – ecological preservation area in the Commune of Chrząstowice (5,19 ha). It is a waterlogged uncultivated land, rich in interesting flora. Place of habitat, especially favoured by the black stork.
Jełowa – Commune of Łubniany, isolated area (2,85 ha) in the vicinity of waterlogged meadows, south-west from the village of Jełowa. It is a strip of land with many meadow and reed complexes. Place of mass occurrence of Western Marsh-orchids and Early Marsh-orchids.
Żurawie Bagno /Crane's Bog/, ecological preservation site in the Commune of Niemodlin (5,05 ha). Preservation site of flora and habitat of crane.
Dzicze Bagno /Wild Bog/, also located in the Commune of Niemodlin (2,75 ha). Preservation area is the place of habitat of many water bird species.
Antoniów – preservation area in the vicinity of Ozimek – Krasiejów forestry. It extends on the area of 1.83 ha. It preserves mid-forest bog lands, it is a natural keep for forest fauna and interesting flora, for instance; Round-leaved Sundew, White water-lily and Common Bladderwort.
Gęsi Staw /Goose Pond/ - Commune of Popielów (3,14 ha). Situated just by the flood bank, south from the village of Wielopole. Preserved area covers a part of oxbow lake and surrounding bog lands. We can find there interesting flora like; water chestnut, yellow water-lily and fauna species; duck mussel and grass snake. This preservation area is fitted in the landscape of the Odra River mixed forests.
Płaszczyzna, Wodopój, Suchy Dół – Three ecological preservations areas in the Commune of Turawa, preserving ecosystem of natural mid-forest ponds.