
Nature reserves

Nature reserves are protected areas with existing ecosystems preserving the natural or insignificantly changed ecosystems, habitats of rare species of plants or animals or elements of inanimate nature. Because of two methods of protection, there are strict protection nature reserves and partial protection reserves.  

In the Opole County, there are 5 nature reserves of total area of 100 ha. One represents forest ecosystems, two preserves - bog lands, and the last one - water ecosystems. Another three nature reserves are still in the planning stage.

Nature Reserve Jaśkowice. This is a forest ecosystem reserve, located in Niemodlińskie Forests, south from the village of Jaśkowice (Commune of  Prószków). Total area of the reserve – 3,1 ha. In 156 years old forest stand, pines and spruces are the most dominant species.  There are also larches, oaks and birch trees.  Mixed pine-oak and Sudetian Larch forest is the protected site of this nature reserve. Old larches give this reserve a unique character.

Nature Reserve Przysiecz, is also a forest ecosystem reserve.  The reserve is located south form the village of Przysiecz (Commune Prószków). Total area of the reserve – 3,1 ha. Mixed spruce, oak and European (Sudetian) larch forest is the protected site of this nature reserve.

Nature Reserve Staw Nowokuźnicki /Nowokuźnicki Pond/ is a flora ecosystem reserve. The reserve is located on the outskirts of Nowa Kuźnia, near Prószków. Total area of the reserve – 20 ha. The reserve compromises a pond surrounded with reeds. Banks of the pond are covered with common reed and bulrush.  This is also a hatch site for 47 bird species. For many years, this place has been the natural habitat of mute swan.    

Nature Reserve Prądy – is a bog land ecosystem reserve of Opole Forestry. Total area of the reserve – 78,29 ha. The reserve is surrounded with boggy and wet pine forest.  In the bog lands we may find insectivorous round-leaved sundew.  

Nature Reserve Złote Bagna /Golden Bogs/ – is a bog land ecosystem reserve located in the County of Niemodlin. Total area of the reserve – 37,81 ha. The reserve preserves transitory bog lands and its rich flora. Beautiful white fields of common cotton grass, covering bog lands in July, are a very impressive site.    

Three other nature reserves are still in the phase of planning: Stawy Niemodlińskie /Niemodliskie Ponds/ (circa 720 ha) in the Commune of Niemodlin, Stawy Tułowickie /Tułowickie Ponds/ (circa 467,73 ha) in the Commune of Tułowice – rich in birds. Srebrne Źródło /Silver Spring/ (18,38 ha) in the County of Chrząstowice – one of the few natural mixed forest reserves with many protected species.