
Natural resources

There are mostly Quaternary, Tertiary, Cretaceous and Triassic period formations in the territory of Opole County. Bottoms of river bed valleys are covered with alluvial clays dated from the period of Holocene, and beneath it there are sand-gravel formations. The following natural resources occur in huge quantities in the territory of Opole County:  natural aggregates, raw materials used in construction ceramics, sands, gravel-sands.

Seams of bottom and partly medium shell limestone are the fundamental natural resources base for the requirements of lime and cement industry, which has developed in the area of Tarnów Opolski. In the area of Gracze, Rutki and Tułowice we can find deposits of basalt, mined by opencast mines of road construction materials and rocky materials. Deposits of marl, silts and limestone facilitated foundation of mines and quarries, for instance in Krasiejów and Folwark.

Forest resources and considerably large amounts of wood were the reason for founding wood industry works in Murów and smaller ones in Communes of Popielów, Dobrzeń Wielki and Komprachcice.