Council of the Opole County
Council of the County
45 - 082 Opole, ul.Piastowska 14
tel. 77 4414082
Council of the County is an administrative and controlling body of the County, with 4 year duration of the term of office.
Councillors are elected in direct elections.
Responsibilities and duties of the Council of the County:
- Formation of local law statues, including statue of the county.
- Selection and dismissal of the board and establishing. remuneration for the chairman of the board.
- Appointing and dismissal on the proposal of the foremen; secretary and treasurer of the county, on the post of chief budget accountant of the county.
- Making decisions about taking up actions by the Board of the County and revising activity reports presented by the Board, including financial actions.
- Enacting budget of the County.
- Revising budget realization reports and formulating decree concerning granting, not granting to the board the vote of approval for the budget realization.
- Making decrees concerning rates of taxes and fees according to legal regulations:
Making decrees concerning financial properties of the county concerning:
- rules of purchase, sell and tax burdening of real estates, lease rules of real estate for the period of time longer than three years, if other particular decrees are not defying it otherwise
- issuing bonds and defining rules of selling, purchasing and redeeming them
- contracting long term loans and credits
- setting the maximal value of loans and short-term credits made by the board and the maximal amount of loans and guarantees given by the board in a budgeting year,
Chairman of the Council of the Opole County:
Stefan Warzecha
Vice-chairman of the Council of the Opole County:
Anna Wolny - Miksa
Members of the Council of the Opole County, councillors representing the following electoral districts:
IV Term of office 20010 - 2014
1. Jędra Edward Józef 2. Raida Anna Helena 3. Stolarczuk Elżbieta Iwona 4. Wojtasik Helena Dorota 5. Zakrzewska Agnieszka |
KW Platforma Obywatelska RP KW Mniejszość Niemiecka KW Platforma Obywatelska RP KWW Nasz Samorząd KW Prawo i Sprawiedliwość |
6. Halupczok Norbert Franciszek 7. Juros Teresa Weronika 8. Płoszaj Leonarda 9. Strzałkowski Tomasz Mikołaj |
KW Mniejszość Niemiecka KW Mniejszość Niemiecka KW Platforma Obywatelska RP KWW Nasz Samorząd |
10. Cichos Krystian Marcin 11. Grodziecka - Makulska Agnieszka Ludmiła 12. Wysdak Krzysztof |
KW Mniejszość Niemiecka KW Platforma Obywatelska RP KW Mniejszość Niemiecka |
13. Gabor Tomasz Adam 14. Stelmach Sybilla 15. Warzecha Stefan Jerzy 16. Wolny - Miksa Anna Jolanta |
KWW Nasz Samorząd KW Mniejszość Niemiecka KW Mniejszość Niemiecka KW Platforma Obywatelska RP |
17. Cebula Krzysztof Paweł 18. Kotońska Zofia Maria 19. Lakwa Henryk Ryszard 20. Pietruszka Leonard Józef |
KW Mniejszość Niemiecka KW Platforma Obywatelska RP KW Mniejszość Niemiecka KW Mniejszość Niemiecka |
21. Dendera Konrad 22. Respondek Roman 23. Mohlek Rudolf Edward 24. Świerc Joachim Alfred 25. Trychan Alicja Teresa |
KWW Nasz Samorząd KW Platforma Obywatelska RP KW Mniejszość Niemiecka KW Mniejszość Niemiecka KW Platforma Obywatelska |